Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Monday, March 20, 2017
Goodbye to the Moroni District

Hey Mom and Dad, 

I'm already back emailing. Man these past couple of days have gone by so quickly. As you can imagine, there isn't a lot to email, because it's only been a couple of days. This is really more of a transition email, but there are a lot of cool things that I want to include.

Saturday was our last park day. I was able to have my actual companion as my park companion this last time, which was really cool. We were able to get 2 referrals; I really felt guided by the Spirit as I was working.

We said “bye” to one of our teachers on Friday; she is the sweetest person ever. We are the last class she will ever teach at the MTC. Right now she is already back in her home city of Cuenca. It's a beautiful place; you should definitely look up pictures. It is in my mission, so who knows? Maybe I'll see her again. Her name is Hermana Notorio.

So other stuff that happened: First one I’ll talk about is what I'm coming to call The Great Tie Trade of 2017. Sunday night everyone was getting a head start on packing, so everyone was going through their ties and the trading began. Man, it was crazy! I think about 50 different ties changed hands that night. It was pretty funny. Another funny thing: a bunch of the other elders dragged their mattresses into our room and had a sleep over that night; it was a little hectic. It was a fun night, but a little too crazy. I wish everyone had calmed down so we could have gone to bed on time, but I couldn't really do anything about it, so I just did my best to go to sleep.

One more cool spiritual thing to share as I close this email: As we were about to head out, I asked the sisters in our district if they would like blessings, and they said they did. So that night, all of the elders in our district gathered around. We gave each of them blessings one by one; it was a very cool and spiritual experience. I was very blessed to be a part of it. I definitely felt guided by the Spirit in that moment. I have come to love my district so much, they all have such wonderful and amazing testimonies. I'm really going to miss all of them. Of the district, only Elder Taylor and Sister Storheim will be serving in Madrid with me, so this really does feel like a long goodbye, but it's good. I'm so grateful for this experience in the MTC. I have learned so much, and I have grown so much, too. I can't wait to find out where I'm off to next and who I will be serving. I love the Lord, in Him my heart delights, rejoice oh my heart and give place no more for the enemy of my soul. I probably misquoted that, but there you go.

I love you all,

Elder bassett

Here are some pics taken of us in the park. Since I can't take them, I'm sending home pictures of the pictures. 

Elder Heninger and I

Our first time singing in the park

Elder Souza and I 

Elder Lukatch and I

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