Monday, August 13, 2018


¡Buenos tardes mis amigos!

¡Espero que todos se encuentren bien! Things in Spain are going great. Not much has happened since the last email since p-day was Wednesday last week. We have been keeping really busy in the office. But we have also been able to get out of the office a bit, which has been really nice.

On Saturday, we were able to take a break from the office and devote the morning to passing by people and talking in the street. We ended up spending the entire morning doing that, and to be honest it felt really good to be out. Usually when we leave the office, it's to go straight to a lesson, and we always come back to the office right away afterwards. It felt good to just walk in the street and talk to people with out having to worry about office stuff for a bit.

Sunday was super great. We ended up going to a hospital to give this woman that we have been teaching a blessing. She just had knee surgery, and it looks like it's going to be taking a while to recover completely. We talked for a bit about how she has been feeling with everything, and she mentioned something that I thought was interesting and that can maybe be relatable to some people.

She said that sometimes with everything going on she will just get frustrated and lose the desire to pray. Basically at times when she feels like all of this bad stuff is happening to her, it's hard for her to feel the desires to look to God. That got me thinking a bit. Often times when someone gets hurt whether it be physically or emotionally, the first reaction is usually to withdraw from everything, to protect yourself or shield yourself. 

When someone gets burnt or cut who wouldn't feel nervous or hesitant at first for someone else to look at it or try to help. That's something that can be natural and when it comes to spiritual things, but something that we need to overcome. If we are feeling frustrated, angry, or depressed and can honestly say that we can't feel the Spirit is when we need to overcome that instinct and turn to God. 

2 Nephi 32:8 says "For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray". Our Father in Heaven extends His hand out to us, and anytime we feel a lack of desire to do the same, we can trust that that desire isn't coming from a good source. 

It may be hard to do sometimes depending on the situation, depending on how we feel, but reaching out through prayer will always help us and show us what we need. I love you all and that was just something that I wanted to share, take care till next time!

- Elder Bassett 

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