Hey guys!
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Our district hike last p-day |
So about the subject line, I was walking back to piso one
day when I remembered and lost the game. A select few of you will have a clue
what I'm talking about and because of that will probably be frustrated with me,
please forgive. Mom, I know for sure Amanda and Jeffrey will know what it is. If
you're confused, ask Amanda; she can explain. Ok, onto the week!
So, it's been a pretty busy week. One thing that stood out
is that Elder Hill and I went on intercambios in Puerto de La Cruz with Elders
Merril and Tiebing. That ended up being pretty fun. After hours, we made some
cookies, talked, hung out, ate the cookies and just laughed around. Good night
in general. On the intercambios itself, Elder Tiebing and I had a good time and
were pretty busy. We talked to some pretty cool people and had the chance to
hand a copy of The Book of Mormon out to this super cool kid that will probably
become a new investigator pretty soon, so that was great.
We also met with an investigator who was taught for a while
and almost baptized but then moved to another island. She's back now and wants
to continue investigating the church again. That has been really cool. We have
also started teaching this super awesome woman named Lucía who is super cool.
She is very interested, and I'm excited to see how things go with her. When we
first found her,
she was really excited. When we gave her The Book of Mormon,
she started reading it that night. Later on, she told us that literally 2 days
before, she prayed to God to receive guidance and direction, and that she
really felt like the we are an answer to her prayers. So that is super
I figured I'd give you guys a little update on the district.
Everyone is doing really well, and the new missionaries are adjusting really
well to the field. They all have a lot of desires to work hard and share the
gospel. In the past, we have had trouble finding new investigators, so as a
district, we are going to be focusing more on talking to everyone at every
opportunity and teaching miniature versions of the restoration in the street
with the people we talk to. We are also focusing a lot on working with active
and less active members.
So, I wanted to give you guys an update on how I'm going to
be using Facebook. One thing I have seen a lot of missionaries do is start
posting spiritual messages either daily or weekly. So I'm going to start doing
that. My plan at this point is to share a message for every part of the 5
lessons. For example, yesterday I shared a message about how God is our lovingHeavenly Father. Soon, I'll share a message about how the gospel blesses
families. Then I'll keep doing that until I have written about everything. As
always just keep liking and sharing my posts, so we can spread it to as many
people as possible!
Ok that's about it for this week. As always, if there is any
questions you guys have or anything you want to know, shoot me an email. I'll
give you a heads up.
Love you all! Till next week!
- Elder Bassett
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